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Promovarea Romaniei

About us

Franco-Romanian Center for Economic and Cultural Cooperation was created as a non-governmental organization under French law at the initiative of several Romanian and French professionals from the business and cultural environment in collaboration with the Romanian Embassy in France and with the support of the Department for Romanians Everywhere, French and diaspora partners.


We are an international cooperation center that functions like a laboratory of ideas, a think-tank where specialists in the field of public policy, education, educational management, child mental health, representatives of the Orthodox Church reflect in order to establish innovative methods that help for creating an easy connection with the world of politics and citizenship bringing an academic rigor to the study of contemporary issues.

The network of specialists at our disposal has the mission in this project to, through analyses, evaluations, debates, assistance and advice to partner associations, argue the justification of the need to learn the Romanian language by Romanian children living abroad,  to promote Romanian culture and traditions that deserve to be discovered.

Discover some of our projects below:

Scoala Romana Bordeaux

Learning the Romanian language abroad, an asset for the future

Educatia in mediul rural

Education in the rural environment, plus value in the urban environment


Promotion of the Romanian cultural heritage


Discover our online and physical events in the Bordeaux region below!

  • Conferința Diaspora 2024 - ediția II - Sesiuni de Lucru
    Conferința Diaspora 2024 - ediția II - Sesiuni de Lucru
    Fri, Oct 25
    Brașov & Online
    Oct 25, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM GMT+3
    Brașov & Online, Brașov, România
    Oct 25, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM GMT+3
    Brașov & Online, Brașov, România
    25 Octombrie 2024, la Brașov & Online Vă invităm să luați parte la dezbateri și interacțiuni pe temele: -Educație în limba română pentru copiii români din străinătate și ce presupune procesul de integrare / reintegrare în sistemul școlar românesc -Conectare diasporei la administrația publică locală
  • Online Romanian language courses
    Online Romanian language courses
    Wednesday and Saturday
    Wednesday and Saturday
    Wednesday and Saturday
  • Exhibition of Romanian arts and crafts: Romanian cultural heritage, a legacy to witness
    Exhibition of Romanian arts and crafts: Romanian cultural heritage, a legacy to witness
    October 2023
    October 2023
    Pessac, 15 Rue Camponac, 33600 Pessac, Franţa
    October 2023
    Pessac, 15 Rue Camponac, 33600 Pessac, Franţa
    The university town of Pessac, part of the Bordeaux metropolis, organizes an extensive cultural season for the public. 3 weeks are dedicated to Romania in the city's cultural program: from October 12 to 28 there will be an art and craft exhibition.

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